Saturday, May 5, 2007

What is copyright?

Copyright is a set of exclusive rights regulating the use of a particular expression of an idea or information. At its most general, it is literally "the right to copy" an original creation. In most cases, these rights are of limited duration. The symbol for copyright is ©, and in some jurisdictions may alternatively be written as either (c) or (C). Copyright law all started with the "The statute of Ann" the world's first copyright law passed by the British Parliament in 1790.Yet the principle of protection the right of artist predates this. It may sound like dry history at first blush, but since there was precedent to establish and rights to protect much time, effort and money has been spent in legal battle over the centuries.
Copyright is a justices right for producer. There isn't any market on their works. We must not copy them without permission because those works are belonging to real producer. Why poems of Hafez, Ferdosi and the other works has been immortal because early there was no copyright. The ancient respect to the rights of the authors and didn't use without permission but unfortunately nowadays copies are available with low price and high quality so the users can obtain copies easily.The rights of the authors must be defended. They work very hard and spend much time to make a work. They want to use the benefits of their work. Every body must respect to their rights. Copyright is a kind of thief and we shouldn't use their rights to obtain the benefits of her or his work without permission. Copyright protection could improve the situations of the people white brilliant idea and invention. Using of copyright is cruel to the authors and very bad culture so we must refuse using it. Therefore society must provide adequate and effective legal to defend the author's rights even during the work and at the end of the work. Just the owner of the work has been permission to distribute, import or broadcast.
Copyright is a legal term describing rights given to creators for their literacy and artistic. So copyright's right is just for producer and anybody can't publish or copy it without permission.

1 comment:

truth seekers said...

dear Mrs.zeynali
we are agree with you about copyright law and we also enjoyed your nice pictures in former posts.
narges and fahime